As unsafe components in herbal medicine (HM), saccharides can affect not only the drug appearance and stabilization, but......
Geographical classification of Nanfeng mandarin by near infrared spectroscopy coupled with chemometr
Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), coupled with principal component analysis and wavelength selection techniques, has be......
Noninvasive detection of body composition plays a significant role in the improvement of life quality and reduction in c......
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in the range 900–1700 nm was performed to develop a classifying model for dead seeds ......
Rapid and simultaneous determination of moisture and berberine content in Coptidis Rhizoma and Phell
Coptidis Rhizoma (Chinese: Huanglian) and Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex (Chinese: Huangbo) are widely used Traditional C......
The selection of stable wavebands for the near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic analysis of total nitrogen (TN) in soil was ......
Improvement of NIR models for quality parameters of leech and earthworm medicines using outlier mult
Leeches and earthworms are the main ingredients of Shuxuetong injection compositions, which are natural biomedicines. Ne......
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is generally accepted as a functional brain imaging technology for brain activation st......
Multi-manufacturer drug identification based on near infrared spectroscopy and deep transfer learnin
Near infrared (NIR) spectrum analysis technology has outstanding advantages such as rapid, nondestructive, pollution-fre......
The concept of region of sensitivity is central to the field of diffuse optics and is closely related to the Jacobian ma......
在水稻抗倒伏育种中, 水稻茎秆纤维素含量作为重要的作物性状表现型数据, 用传统方法获取时受人力成本和时间成本的约束, 采集群体......
研究在递增强度运动过程中人体骨骼肌内氧合血红蛋白(HbO2)含量相对变化的拐点与呼吸商拐点, 比较两者在时间上出现的先后次序及规......
A novel hemodynamic model has been recently introduced, which provides analytical relationships between the changes in c......
Extensive research in the area of optical sensing for medical diagnostics requires development of tissue phantoms with o......
We have recently introduced a new technique, coherent hemodynamics spectroscopy (CHS), which aims at characterizing a sp......
Determination of the immunoglobulin G precipitation end-point by an intelligent near-infrared spectr
Precipitation is a key manufacturing unit during the immunoglobulin G (IgG) production, which guarantees the quality of ......
Diffuse transmitted spectroscopy in conjunction with spectral peak averaging as a potential tool for
Creatinine (Cr) is a biochemical waste molecule generated from muscle metabolism and primarily cleared from the bloodstr......
A recently proposed analytical hemodynamic model1 [S. Fantini, NeuroImage 85, 202–221 (2014)] is able to predict the ch......
Rapid quantitative detection of mineral oil contamination in vegetable oil by near-infrared spectros
This study provides a rapid method for quantification of mineral oil in rapeseed oil using near-infrared spectroscopy. T......
Understanding the mechanisms of interaction between bone/bone marrow, circulatory system and nervous system is of great ......
A rapid predictive method based on near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) of paddy rice was developed to measure ......
The purpose of this study was to develop a calibration model to evaluate the moisture content of tapioca starch using th......
Homogeneity of powder blend is essential to obtain uniform contents for the tablets and capsules. Near-infrared (NIR) sp......
Monitoring of antegrade selective cerebral perfusion for aortic arch surgery with transcranial Doppl
目的探讨近红外光成像技术(near-infrared spectroscopy,NIRS)的波形特点及检测抑郁症的灵敏度和特异度。方法对2013年3~8月在北京......